The wealth earned by us is indeed determined by the quality of our health. The increasing medical costs makes it extremely difficult to sustain the corpus acquired by us throughout our life if we do not make adequate planning for health insurance. This is why financial planners focus on the importance of health insurance in retaining the viability of your long run financial goal. For...
Disciplined financial planning serves as the prerequisite of leading a financially secured retirement life. However, this hardly gets followed in most of the cases. Although retirement planning sounds a bit scary and confusing to most people, this anxiety can be entirely removed by avoiding the most common retirement planning mistakes committed by people. Today we are going to take a look at...
Retirement planning requires careful and systematic planning. As we shift from one stage of life to another, from wealth accumulation to spending phase, we need to change our strategy. It requires us to select and follow right strategy pre and post retirement. In pre-retirement period we need to avoid common investment mistakes which may in turn hamper our post retirement life. To ensure we...