Markets witnessed low volatility on Tuesday with Nifty turning range bound but managed to put modest gains to close around 22,200. It opened on a negative note followed by choppy m
Markets remained under pressure on Monday after Nifty futures failed to open above the crucial hurdle of 22,250 and was followed by a lower closing of 0.3% despite robust global ma
Markets for the week ended with modest gains with Nifty rallying 0.7% and managed to post all-time weekly closing high on back robust liquidity in the global markets. Based on pric
Markets witnessed a volatile session on Thursday with Nifty not only recouping early morning losses but ended with gains with 200 points in Nifty futures. The breakout has been con
Markets reacted sharply from highs on Wednesday to end in the negative terrain ahead of Fed minutes with Nifty ending closer to 22,000 levels. The Fed minutes admitted that current
Markets extended gains on Tuesday despite initial lower opening with Nifty Bank rebounding sharply and closing with gain over 1%. Nifty has managed to post closing at all-time high
Markets for the week began on a positive note with Nifty testing all-time highs but witnessed minor profit booking in late hours of trade. The flag breakout in Nifty is likely to a
Markets for the week ended with gains of 1% as Nifty managed to rebound sharply despite breaching two weeks low and settled above the psychological barrier of 22,000. The Nifty fut
Markets managed to consolidate on Thursday and added gains with Nifty future closing above the psychological barrier of 22,000. We expect major short covering to emerge in Nifty fu
Markets witnessed smart recovery led by PSU Bank and Oil & Gas stocks which helped recouped losses of over 1% and was followed with Sensex closing above 71,700. Asian markets a