Positive Start of Financial Market for FY-22
- The FY 2021-22 came up with a ray of hope and positivity as the Financial Markets regained Momentum and the Indian Economy witnessed Traction in the Manufacturing & Other Economic Activity, despite the rising cases of COVID amidst the splurge of Second-wave in the Country.
- The IMF (International Monetary Fund) projected the GDP Growth of India to be 12.5% for the coming Fiscal Year, which is the highest amongst the Emerging Economies.
- The DII’s were the Drivers in the First month of FY- 2021-22 as they Invested Approx. 9,900 Cr. In the Indian Markets, whereas amidst the Rising tensions amidst the second wave of COVID and negative sentiments, the FPIs pulled out their money from the markets after a brief period of nearly 6 months.
- Fearing the second wave, the Promoters of many companies look to file an Asset Protection Trust that would provide a cushion against investigations, in case of defaults & bankruptcy.
- View- This move will enable the Lenders to cushion their Contingency Reserves & allow them to tackle adverse situations arising out of Defaults, once they come out of the ‘Moratorium Mode’.
Outlook on Sectors to be affected
- The Hospitality Industry which includes Restaurants, Aviation, Travel & Transport will yet again be affected due to the Local Restrictions from the State Governments in order to curb the Second wave of Covid.
- Aviation Industry is likely to be affected worse even than the first wave, as the DGCA has Extended the Ban on International Travel till 31st May’21. The Airlines have declared that the Bookings have declined by nearly 50% which will also result in further decline in the Passenger flying & Air traffic.
- As India produces over 70% of the Global Vaccines for COVID, the recent spike of second wave & shortages in Vaccination would lead to a lowering of Exports of Pharmaceutical Products which will hamper the economic activities in the Short term at least.
Also read: Financial Planning for Beginners – Fintoo Blog
Growth Drivers for the Indian Economy in coming Quarters
- Despite the Rising infections, the Rapid pace of Vaccination has helped lower the Death rate amongst the affected once, and as we proceed further with Providing vaccination to the Youth of the country, the Economic activities are likely to normalize steadily.
- The Manufacturing industry revived at a Good pace led by the key sectors like Cement, Metal & Mining & Automobiles who were coping with the Pent-up demand. It is expected that as the supply chains have lesser restrictions in certain regions, this will help in the growth of economic activity further.
- As per the Analysts, Private Investments in the Markets will increase in the coming 2 Years as the Manufacturing activities will be incentivized by the government which will add as a boost for the sector and further lead to Higher Valuations for the companies.
- The Government is also likely to carry the Divestment process for reducing the Fiscal Deficit in the coming years, as it will also be a Major Contributor in providing aids to the affected industries.
- India will remain to be the Hot Market for Investors globally as they look at China + 1 Alternative for various activities, the Broader Outlook for the next 3 Years looks Attractive & Positive.
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