The new year is just a day away. To ensure that the coming year to be stress-free, you must review your finances. This review will help you assess how you have done with your finances in the last year, where you stand today, and the steps you need to take to set yourself up for success financially in the short and long term. Reviewing your 2021 finances will help you organize your...
You can now invest in G-sec directly through RBI Retail Direct Scheme. The government launched a platform that will allow retail investors to buy and sell government securities on their own through – RBI Retail Direct Gilt Account. Under RBI Retail Direct Scheme, one can invest in RBI Bonds, Central Govt Bonds, State Govt Bonds, SGB and Treasury Bills. one can invest in primary as...
Cryptocurrency is a virtual or digital currency that is backed by cryptography which cannot be counterfeit or double-spend. Most of the cryptocurrencies that we see today are based on Blockchain technology. Blockchain is a system that records the transactions related to cryptocurrency and saves them in several computers linked with each other using a peer-to-peer network. To know more...
Clubbing of Income means that the Income of some other person would also be included in your Income. You would be required to pay tax on such income of the other person.The provisions of clubbing of Income were introduced by the Govt so as to ensure that a person does not try to reduce his tax liability by splitting his income in different names.We recommend you to watch our video...
Financial health describes the state of a person’s personal financial situation. Its dimensions include savings, retirement planning, and the income spent on fixed or non-discretionary expenses.Most people are unaware of certain basic things or factors to look out for, which are basically warnings towards incoming financial peril. If ignored these may prove to be very costly, but...
Lifestyle inflation refers to an increase in spending when an individual’s income goes up.People have a strong tendency to spend more if they have more. It creeps into more areas. You can end up spending more money than you need to (or should) on vacations, dining out, entertainment and clothing, just to keep up with the status.Lifestyle inflation tends to become greater every...
AIS i.e. Annual Information Statement provides a comprehensive view of information to a taxpayer. This will give you all details about Your financial transactions during the year. It will capture all financial transactions of the previous year including – Stocks, Insurance, Credit Cards, Purchase of property, Mutual Funds, Salary or Business Income, Dividends, Interest on SB A/c...
Cryptocurrencies are surging in popularity in India as an investment. This brings in the question of how to pay taxes on them. While the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has not granted legal tender status to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, there is no escape from paying tax on cryptocurrency investment gains.To know more about taxes on cryptocurrency watch our video. Must Read...
Here are some Best Financial Gifts You Must Give Your Loved Ones This Diwali For Their Bright Future With Diwali comes the festive magic, revitalising our spirits with love, warmth and prosperity. The festival of lights is a fabulous time to get along with your loved ones. Make the festive season memorable with our unique Diwali gift ideas.Instead of spending your entire bonus to buy...
The concept of Hindu Undivided Family, commonly known as HUF, was derived from the ancient Hindu laws. The oldest male member heads the HUF, and is called the ‘Karta’. He is responsible for making and taking decisions for the HUF. The other members in the family are called co-parcerners. In an Hindu Undivided Family all the members can contribute, but once the contribution is...