Markets scaled to new highs on Thursday with Nifty closing above 21,750 with major contribution from Bank Nifty and Metal Index. The India VIX scaled to 9-month high of 16.47 and though reverted back in negative, it signifies added risk in system. From the current levels, further upside room could be capped to 1.1% for Nifty index as Gold prices has also triggered major breakout. On the...
Markets scaled another all-time highs after Nifty Bank crossed above the crucial hurdle of 47,810 to post gains of over 1% along with backing from metal and FMCG sectors. With expectation growing of aggressive rate cuts from the U.S Fed in 2024, precious metals and base metals also witnessed significant gains in the international markets with gold prices inching closer to USD 2100 an oz. From...
Markets extended gains on Tuesday on back of gains from metals and a rebound in banking sector to help Nifty reconquer 21,400 levels. The breakout in India VIX above 14.5 levels has opened for the scope for a sharp volatility in the near term with Sensex expected to face selling pressure on a breach below the support line of 70,400 with MACD on verge of generating negative crossover from the...
The coming week is the final week of the calendar year 2023. The domestic traders may witness volatility due to F&O December series expiry slated during the week. Markets will continue to take direction from global as well as domestic factors. On the macro front, market participants will be watching India’s infrastructure output or eight core sector data to be out on December 29,...
Markets managed to rebound from support zone of 70,400 in Sensex and was followed with closing above 70,800 on the back of stability in global markets. The rise in Gold, Euro and Japanese Yen are currently trading at an inflection point and a further upmove in this asset class is likely to trigger major outflow from Indian markets. At present, recent high of 71,913 poses immediate hurdle for...
Markets witnessed sharp decline on Wednesday with formation of bearish engulfing line pattern after Sensex opened higher and engulfed last three days of trading activity. The closing fell short below crucial support of 70,400 in Sensex which turns out to be upthrust line. A close below 70,400 would open gates for deeper downside with lower range seen 65,000-65,500. The rising India VIX above...
Market activity remained range bound on Tuesday with Sensex ending with marginal gains after Reliance Industries led recovery in afternoon trading session to help Sensex close above 71,400. A small doji star was seen on daily candlestick marking signs of indecisiveness at higher levels but candle still remain inconclusive to set a larger reversal. The upper resistance of Sensex is seen in...
Nifty extends gains 21K mark; Global cues in focus Markets for the week extended gains for seventh straight week which forced Sensex to cross weekly resistance line of rising wedge placed at 70,400 on back of gains mainly from technology Index. Buying was witnessed across sectors after the US Federal Reserve kept its key interest rate unchanged and signaled rate cuts next year. Also,...
Markets witnessed profit booking at higher levels but Sensex continues to trade firmly above its key reversal levels of 70,400 while India VIX shoots closer to the 14 mark. The rise in India VIX which has seen a sustainable upmove beyond 14 levels indicate that the market is prone to a sharp reversal. Compared to Sensex, Nifty Bank levels are trading closer to reversal. A close below 47,810...
Markets for the week extended gains for seventh straight week which forced Sensex to cross weekly resistance line of rising wedge placed at 70,400 on back of gains mainly from technology Index. The short covering by FIIs on weekly call options further amplified upmove in Nifty 50 index forcing them to delta neutral cash based buying worth Rs 9,000 crore. At the current juncture, the major...