Markets witnessed sharp swings on Wednesday with Nifty trading lower in first half of session while rebounding in later half and closed with decent gains. Nifty Futures has seen closing above 22,600 which is likely to trigger major short covering in the coming days with potential target of 23,500. The Nifty Bank too witnessed major gains on the back of India’s inclusion in Bloomberg EM bond...
Highlights Issue Size –: 16,209,476 sharesIssue Open/Close – 06 Mar / 11 Mar, 2024 Price Band (Rs.) 381 – 401 Issue Size (Rs.) – 6,500 mnFace Value (Rs) 1Lot Size (shares) 37 Gopal Snacks Limited (GSL) incorporated in 2009, is a FMCG company in India that offers ethnic snacks, western snacks, and other products in ten States and two Union Territories as of...
Market extended the consolidation phase for the second straight day yesterday as indices oscillated in a narrow range before ending with modest losses. A sharp decline in India VIX below 14.5 indicates market could be poised for a major upswing towards 23,500 in the coming days. In other news, Indian government bonds will be included in Bloomberg EM Local Currency Government Index and...
Markets ended with marginal gains with Nifty futures consolidated above the breakout levels of 22300 while India VIX settled around 15. The surge in Gold and Bitcoin in the past few days clearly shows ample liquidity in global markets and we expect Nifty future to rally towards 23,500 in the coming days. Nifty Futures Chart Stocks to watch Positive Read through BEL, BEML,...
Markets for the week ended with gains of less than a percent but was able to penetrate the resistance of 22,300 after an intense battle, thus paving the way for a meaningful upside in the near term. The breakout in Nifty futures has clearly been established and we expect an immediate upside target of 23,400 to be achieved in the next 10-15 trading session. Meanwhile, a rebound in Bank Nifty...
Markets witnessed trading in a narrow band on expiry day with Nifty extending monthly gains by 1% while financials turned laggard. The narrow trading band in the past few weeks may convert into a larger upside once Nifty futures cross above 22,280 with a potential target of 23,400 in the near term. The recent movement in Bitcoin is back above USD 60,000 which hints global markets are flushed...
Highlights Issue Size –: 250,000,000 sharesIssue Open/Close – 28 Feb / 01 March, 2024Price Band (Rs.) 98 – 100Issue Size (Rs.) – 25,000 mnFace Value (Rs) –Lot Size (shares) 150 GR Infraprojects Limited (GRIL) set up Bharat Highways InvIT (the Trust) as an irrevocable trust under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 pursuant to the Trust Deed dated 16 June 2022 as its...
Markets reacted sharply to close lower by more than 1% after failure to cross 22,300 in Nifty futures and was followed by closing below 22,000. The decline has led to the completion of a larger flag pattern in Nifty futures and is likely to follow up with a significant upmove as positions roll over to the March series. We expect 22,060 in the Nifty spot to act as a crucial resistance above...
Non-resident Indians (NRIs), particularly those residing in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), enjoy significant tax benefits on their investments in mutual funds (MFs) in India. These benefits stem from a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) signed between India and the UAE, providing relief from capital gains taxation. However, navigating these benefits requires a thorough...
Markets witnessed low volatility on Tuesday with Nifty turning range bound but managed to put modest gains to close around 22,200. It opened on a negative note followed by choppy moves towards ending on a subdued note. In Nifty future, the breakout levels are revised to 22,300 from earlier 22,250 to force Nifty to scale towards 23,300. Bullish momentum is likely to continue as long as the...