A well-chosen insurance policy is indispensable for financial health as well as mental peace. A good policy serves three different purposes. It protects the policy holders and their families from the effects of unforeseen circumstances.
It serves as a medium for long-term investment.
It also serves as an instrument for saving income tax. What is Term Insurance? In recent years, term...
The budget, 2016 has brought a ray of hope for a better India tomorrow. This years budget has focused on major factors like agriculture, rural development, infrastructure and social security. Agriculture is the backbone of our country and its needs have to be looked after. One of the many good initiatives taken by the Govt. towards rural development is 100% village electrification. Roads and...
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb Right time to start retirement planning is NOW! Ideally the day when you start earning we should start saving for retirement. But it rarely happens. Many time we get retirement planning advice but very few people implement the advice immediately. Delays in implementing the retirement plan is...
The concept of Hindu Undivided Family, commonly known as HUF, was derived from the ancient hindu laws. An HUF can be formed with the oldest male member and his wife and children and their spouses. HUF is treated as a separate entity all together, and enjoys the same tax benefits as any other individual taxpayer. As the name states, ‘Hindu Undivided Family’, one may think, this is...
Retirement planning requires careful and systematic planning. As we shift from one stage of life to another, from wealth accumulation to spending phase, we need to change our strategy. It requires us to select and follow right strategy pre and post retirement. In pre-retirement period we need to avoid common investment mistakes which may in turn hamper our post retirement life. To ensure we...