Markets tumbled sharply on wide disappointment as BJP failed to cross the 250-mark leading to Nifty breaching key support of 22,540 and was followed with closing below 22,000 mark. In the next few days, markets are likely to go through high volatility with midcap and small cap indices expected to witness diversion of funds to safety especially to FMGC and Pharma sectors with Nifty expected to...
Markets reacted positively to exit poll numbers leading to a gap up opening well above 23,000 mark and settled with gains of over 3% in Nifty 50 terms while Bank Nifty surged to 4%. After yesterday’s up move, Nifty has thrown a hanging man formation on candlestick which generally earmarks a reversal pattern, and markets are likely to see major decline if the actual numbers fall below the exit...
Markets for the week ended lower by almost 2% to form a dark cloud cover on the weekly candlestick chart as participants turned cautious ahead of exit polls and most mutual funds raising cash levels in their schemes. After the exit poll clearly stated one sided victory to BJP, markets are poised to open 4% higher towards 23,500. We expect major outperformance coming from Bank Nifty as Bank...